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6 - PRIX Claiming

- 5 Runners - 188 - Flat - Claiming - 3 years and plus - 1200m. (PSF)

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A Weight Jockey Trainer Ropes  Winnings
1 IRISH CAPITAL {USA} H7 56 Garrett Steinberg CARLOS PADILLA 1
Orig.: Dublin - Taylor Madison (21) 8p 4p (20) 11p 1p 3p
2 EUROBADGUY {USA} M5 54.5 Ronald Richard LUCIO ESPIRITU 2
Orig.: Euroears - No Net (21) 8p 4p 6p (20) 1p 4p 6p 1p 2p 6p
3 ON THE BRIDGE {USA} H6 54.5 Floyd Wethey, Jr. SCOTT E. YOUNG 3
Orig.: Save Big Money - Ta Ta Moro (22) 8p 5p 4p 6p 9p (21) 1p 3p 2p 5p (20) 7p
4 JUST FRED {USA} H9 54.5 Carlos Esquilin STEVE F. WILLIAMS 4
Orig.: The Visualiser - L. S. Hana (21) 7p 2p 3p
5 TACKSON {USA} H6 54.5 Travis Cunningham MARK W. BUEHRER 5
Orig.: Euroears - Cabo Sunrise (22) 6p 6p 5p 6p 6p (21) 7p 5p (20) 4p 4p 4p 5p
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