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2 - PRIX Ecycle Maiden Hurdle

- 9 Runners - 21084 - Fences - 3500 metres - Maiden - (Turf)

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A Weight Jockey Trainer   Winnings
1 GUNALUVA {NZ} H7 69.5 Arron Lynch SYMON WILDE
Orig.: Reliable Man (gb) - Saskia 3s 4s 2h 5p (23) 4s 1s 2s 10h 11p (22) 1p 6p
2 KHARCHIN {NZ} H6 69.5 Braidon Small Simon Ryan
Orig.: Mongolian Khan - Creole (nz) 6s 4p 6s 11p (23) 7h 6p As 5h 5p 5p 5p
3 LUCKY PLUTUS {AUS} (Oe) H8 69.5 Campbell Rawiller Andrew Bobbin
Orig.: Written Tycoon - Ladies In Luck (nz) (23) 6h 7h 5p 4p 2p 11p 9p 9p (22) 12p 11p (21) 2p
4 PRAISE THE POWER {AUS} H7 69.5 Will Gordon Barry & Ali Brook
Orig.: Starspangledbanner - Swissac (23) 3h 2h 4h 7h 12p 8p 7p 10p (22) 10p 8p 4p
5 STAN THE CADDY {AUS} (Oe) H7 69.5 DEMPSEY L. P. Steven Pateman
Orig.: Rebel Raider - Roscrea Rose (23) Ah 8h 10p 7p (22) 3p 9p 6p 3h 1p 8p 5p
6 THINKING MAN {AUS} (Oe) H5 69.5 Richard O'Donoghue Eric Musgrove
Orig.: So You Think (nz) - Paris Tryst 5p 4s As 11p 11p 14p (23) 6h 2h 2h 6h 5h
8 VIVIDREDSKY {NZ} H9 69.5 SHORT R. Paul Preusker
Orig.: Alamosa (nz) - Safari Sunset (nz) 11p 9p 6p 13p 8p 5p 8p 3p (23) 5p 8p 4p 5h
9 FIORENTE LASS {AUS} F8 67.5 Aaron Kuru Emma Fouchard & Rodney
Orig.: Fiorente (ire) - Chaparral Lass (nz) (23) 11p 7p 7s Ah 2h 12p 6p 6p (22) 6p 10p 9p
10 PEACE PROCESS {NZ} (Oe) F6 67.5 Chris McCarthy Belinda Simpson
Orig.: Reliable Man (gb) - Fifth Avenue (fr) 9p 4p 4p 3p 5p 8p (23) 7h Th 8h 5h 4h
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