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5 - Prix EXECUTIVE LIVING HOMES QTIS Three-Year-Old Maiden Plate

06h42 - 6 Runners - 12121 - Flat - 1300m - 3 years - (Turf)

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A Weight Jockey Trainer Ropes  Winnings
2 ROTHFURY {AUS} H3 58 Warwick Satherley Adam Briskey 5
Orig.: Rothesay - Just Keep Giving 3p 8p 5p
3 SOUTHAVEN {AUS} (Oe) H3 58 Ashley Butler John Wigginton 4
Orig.: Power (GB) - Colizani 5p 2p
4 SUPEEDO GONZALES {AUS} H3 58 Adrian Layt Peter Fleming 2
Orig.: Supido - Maddy Lee 8p 3p 4p 9p
5 ONLY ONE GENERAL {AUS} F3 56 Raul Silvera Olivera Lyle Wright 1
Orig.: Ambitious General - Maybe Sailing (23) 7p
6 OUR ROSA ROSSA {AUS} (Oe) F3 54.5 Nikki Olzard Darby Amos 6
Orig.: Sebring Sun - Isabelle Rose 6p 9p 5p
7 TRAVELLING SWEET {AUS} (Oe Aus) F3 53 Ms Leah Martyn Clinton Taylor 3
Orig.: Power (gb) - Kolonga 6p 5p 3p 3p 3p
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