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10h15 - 9 Runners - 12345 - Flat - 1213m - (Turf)

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A Weight Jockey Trainer Ropes  Winnings
1 FOXHOOD {AUS} (Oe) H5 61 Ms Simone Altieri Jodie Liakousis 1
Orig.: Helmet - Foxbury (23) 7p (22) 5p 6p 5p 6p 10p (21) 2p 12p 2p 1p 1p cotes zeturf 3.3
3 DELAGO DEHERO {AUS} (Oe) H6 60 Andrew Castle Tony Clancy 10
Orig.: Delago Deluxe - Already 8p 7p 9p 5p (23) 10p 3p 3p 6p 3p 4p 8p 10p cotes zeturf 18.4
4 SLY AS A FOX {AUS} H5 59 Alan Kennedy Kim R Anderson 7
Orig.: Gingerbread Man - Kitty Cat Club 8p 3p 2p 6p 3p 9p 4p 1p 8p 3p 5p 6p cotes zeturf 5.6
5 CAN'T STOP NOW {AUS} (Oe) H4 58.5 Troy Turner Willie Parker 8
Orig.: Dick Turpin (ire) - I Can Hurry (23) 9p 10p 7p (22) 7p (21) 12p 9p 8p 4p 1p (20) 6p 7p cotes zeturf 11.0
6 OLIVIA KNOWS {AUS} F6 58 Chris Graham John Reynolds 6
Orig.: Ouqba (gb) - How Do You Know (22) 9p 8p 6p 10p 4p 8p 3p 7p 7p (21) 9p 5p 10p cotes zeturf 4.2
7 ADMIRAL HUSSON {AUS} H7 56 STAPLES MME Lis. Kevin Backshall 9
Orig.: Husson Lightning - Musical Smile 11p 5p 6p 10p 8p 6p 10p 6p 7p 11p (23) 5p 6p cotes zeturf 20.8
8 OUT OF FASHION {AUS} F5 56 Ms Kyra Yuill Willie Parker 4
Orig.: Dick Turpin (ire) - Exquisite Fashion (21) 7p 5p 6p 1p 2p 3p (20) 6p 6p 7p cotes zeturf 8.1
9 AEROLITE {AUS} (Oe) F5 55.5 Knuckey Pet. Ron Cowl (Jnr) 5
Orig.: Smart Missile - Gossamer 5p (22) 2p 6p 6p 9p 10p 6p (21) 5p 9p 10p 11p 3p cotes zeturf 18.0
10 TEN CARAT {AUS} (Oe Aus) H7 54 Ms Holly Watson Glen Cortes 3
Orig.: Fastnet Rock - Diamond Earth (21) 3p 7p 9p 6p 7p 7p 8p 7p 8p 13p (20) 11p cotes zeturf 14.3
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