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3 - RACE 3

07h30 - 10 Runners - 38357 - Flat - 2 years - 1400m

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A Weight Jockey Trainer Ropes  Winnings
1 DICK CONTI {JPN} F2 54 Masaki Segawa Hiromitsu Kurita 1
Orig.: Ammirare - Dick Kanto 8p 4p 9p 1p 2p 5p 5p 6p 4p
3 WIDE COMPLETE {JPN} M2 55 Takayuki Yano Takano Tsuyoshi 3
Orig.: Majestic Warrior - Trypo 2p 3p
4 MEPHISTO {JPN} M2 55 Yoichi Ando Yukiharu Shimada 4
Orig.: Bricks and Mortar - Act Naturally 3p 7p 3p 1p 3p 2p
5 KASENO MOUNTAIN {JPN} M2 55 Genki Fujimoto Yuta Ebina 5
Orig.: Moanin - Palace Medaglia 7p 2p 2p
6 VEKTOR MACH {JPN} M2 55 Ryu Abe Masahiro Uesugi 6
Orig.: Best Warrior - Good Pudding 3p 2p 2p
7 EVENIN {JPN} M2 55 Sho Yoshii Naoyuki Matoba 7
Orig.: Moanin - Multiply 1p 3p
8 SIEBEN FARBEN {JPN} M2 55 CURATOLO R. Mashima Daisuke 8
Orig.: Red Falx - Regenbogen 2p 3p
9 KEN OCEAN {JPN} M2 55 Genta Ochiai Kiyoaki Takahashi 9
Orig.: Hokko Tarumae - Ocean Kelly 4p 3p 2p 3p 4p
10 VENTO FORTE {JPN} F2 52 Ms Mickaelle Michel Hidemitsu Sakai 10
Orig.: Drefong - Rio Grande 2p 2p
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