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3 - PRIX Course 3

19h40 - 6 Runners - 5854 euros - 2140m - Attelé Volte - Sable - Corde a Gauche

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A distance Jockey Trainer   Winnings
1 SIOUX KUNG X. H5 2140 OSTRE Ole J. SOLBERG Bengt 25073 €
Orig.: Ken Warkentin - Mellby Vitesse 5a 2a 1a 0a 2a
2 LULU DRAGON F6 2140 STEINE Bjo. SVENDSEN Stian 19832 €
Orig.: Bird Parker - Lutetia As 2m 0a 6a 2a 0a
3 M.H. HOT CASH H5 2160 TENGSAREID Asb. WOLDEN Anders LundstrO 48835 €
Orig.: Hard Cash - Seaborn Simona 0a 0a 0a 5a 4a
4 DELICIOUS ME H8 2160 HOITOMT Eir. HOITOMT Marius 59527 €
Orig.: Orlando Vici - Delicious Queen 2a 5a 2a 5a 4a
5 AMON WISE AS M8 2160 TVEDT Her. R. ASSEV Hedda E. 54662 €
Orig.: Varenne - Southwind Pamona 4a 2a 0a 7a 3a
6 MC BURNEY H7 2160 KOLLE Lar. A. RUSTAD Ronny 67213 €
Orig.: Credit Winner - My Tiara 3a 2a 1a 1a 1a
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