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13h50 - 11 Runners - 3829 - Flat - 1400m - Race track G - Maiden - (Sable) Corde à droite

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A Weight Jockey Trainer Ropes  Winnings
1 PARADISE LOST {SAF} H4 60 VAN RENSBURG M. Cliffie Miller 11
Orig.: Spanish Harlem (ire) - Royal Scott (19) 1p 2p 3p 2p 6p 9p 5p 4p 6p 3p 9p cotes zeturf 29.6
2 TASTY JACK'S {SAF} (Oe) H4 60 FORTUNE S. S von Willingh Smit 5
Orig.: Jackson - Full Flavor (usa) (19) 6p 14p 1p 4p 4p 3p 7p 2p 6p 7p 10p cotes zeturf 7.4
3 CASEY BOY {SAF} (Oe) H4 60.5 JUGLALL T. Dennis Cason 9
Orig.: Philanthropist (usa) - Hersonet (aus) (19) 8p 3p 3p 2p 4p 4p 11p (18) 7p 4p 9p cotes zeturf 3.7
4 HYPNOTIST {SAF} (Oe) H4 60 HABIB C. Corrie Lensley 2
Orig.: Dynasty - Winning Eyes (19) 5p 5p 8p 11p 10p (18) 10p 12p 5p 11p cotes zeturf 9.8
5 CENSORIOUS {SAF} H4 60 WEBBER E. Corrie Lensley 7
Orig.: Toreador (ire) - Critical Mind (arg) (19) 7p 10p 9p 6p 6p 4p 5p 4p 7p 7p 12p cotes zeturf 5.9
6 TIME MASTER {SAF} H4 60 STOREY C. Tienie Prinsloo 6
Orig.: Pomodoro - Margaret Court (20) 9p 10p 10p 8p 7p 10p 9p (19) 5p 1p 5p 4p 1p cotes zeturf 3.2
7 MAX MOCHA {SAF} H4 60 PENNY J. Jarett Rugg 1
Orig.: Lateral (gb) - Pearl Rush (19) 9p 6p 4p 13p 10p 12p 13p (18) 12p 6p 6p 8p cotes zeturf 29.6
8 BRAVE ARCH {SAF} (Oe) H4 60 BESTER L. Gert Theron 4
Orig.: Brave Tin Soldier (usa) - Suzie (19) 7p 8p 8p 6p 9p 6p 5p 6p 6p 4p 12p cotes zeturf 29.6
9 LADY BLUFF {SAF} (Oe) F4 57 THACKERAY J. Gert Theron 10
Orig.: Philanthropist (usa) - Key Bluff (20) 5p (19) 6p 4p 5p 10p 14p 7p 2p 8p 8p cotes zeturf 14.8
10 CARIBBEAN NIGHT {SAF} (Oe) M3 56 MARWING Wes. Jarett Rugg 3
Orig.: Warm White Night - Silver Lace (19) 11p cotes zeturf 14.8
11 STRATEGIC WAR {SAF} (Oe) M3 56 PATEL N. Jarett Rugg 8
Orig.: Strategic News (aus) - Miss Cantona (19) 10p cotes zeturf 29.6
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