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7 - PRIX Lansforsakringar - Spartrappa

14h27 - 8 Runners - 7114 euros - 2640m - Attelé Autostart

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A distance Jockey Trainer   Winnings
1 EUCLIDE H7 2640 ANDERSEN Tro. OLSSON Liselotte 9542 €
Orig.: Prodigious - Richone (23) 0a (22) 0a (21) 5a 5a 6a 5a 2a 0a 0a 4a Da
2 SALLY'S LOVE H5 2640 SVEDLUND Kev. Svedlund Kevin 13923 €
Orig.: Love You - Sally Sea (23) 0a 7a 2a 6a 4m 0m 5a 0a (22) 5a 3a 0a 3a
3 FLIX DARA H4 2640 ANDERSSON Jim. Wajersten Daniel 16695 €
Orig.: Brad De Veluwe - Ajja Dara (22) 0a 0a 0a 2a (21) 4a 1a 1a 0a 1a 1a 2a
5 EAGLE IN DISGUISE H4 2640 ERIKSSON Ulf Pihlstrom Markus 16047 €
Orig.: Bold Eagle - Icy Shadow 0a Da (23) Da 6a 0a 0a 0a (22) 3a 1a 1a 1a 3a
6 CAB FRONTLINE H4 2640 PETTERSSON Tom. Pettersson Tomas 18838 €
Orig.: Caballion - Honey Frontline 1m 2m 2a 5a 1m 0a 4a 1a 1a 1a 2a 4a
7 GOLDFEVER H6 2640 SVENSSON Hen. Svensson Henrik 20390 €
Orig.: Maharajah - Morumotto (23) 0a 0a 3a 5a 0a 4a (22) 5a 6a 0a 0a 0m 2a
8 OSAH'S BOLT H6 2640 DUNDER Rob. GORANSSON Anna-Lena 22630 €
Orig.: One Too Many - Lucy Hill (23) 4a 2a 3a 3a 5a 3a 5a 6a (22) 2a 6a 0a 6a
9 MALIBU H6 2640 LINDQVIST Ove A. Claesson Thomas 19485 €
Orig.: Kesaco Phedo - Elles W.Lolita 2a 8a 0a 0a 4a 5a (23) 0a 0a 0a 3a 4a 5a
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