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7 - PRIX Trearingslopp Ston

14h27 - 8 Runners - 9515 euros - 2100m - Attelé Autostart - Sable - Corde a Gauche

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A distance Jockey Trainer   Winnings
1 OJSAN F3 2100 KARLSSON MME Ann. I. Karlsson Hans 925 €
Orig.: Magic Tonight - Tillgiven 8a 5a 0a 4a 7a 6a 0a 5a
2 TIMOTEJS NINA F3 2100 ANDERSSON Osk. J. DENNEMAN Johannes 6520 €
Orig.: Cash Gamble - Timotejs Dolly 0a 5a 2a 2a 6a 5a 4a 3a 0a
3 ELUSIVE BRODDA F3 2100 SJOSTROM Cla. Sjostrom Claes 7930 €
Orig.: S.J.'s Caviar - Elles W.Phedo 2a 2a Da 3a 1a 3a
4 FIRA VENDIL F3 2100 ANDERSSON Mik. DENNEMAN Johannes 7753 €
Orig.: Scarlet Knight - Yipeeiokiyeey 7a 2a 5a 4a 0a 1a 4a 7a 7a 3a
5 DENCOS CHLOE F3 2100 DJUSE Mag. A. Gustafsson Lars-Goran 3974 €
Orig.: Riff Kronos - Cleopatra Am 0a 0a 6a 5a 7a 6a 8a 8a 8a 5a 0a
6 GOGO F3 2100 PIETERS Dwi. EDLUND Helena 5286 €
Orig.: Googoo Gaagaa - Maximillan 1a 2a 2a 2a 1a
7 VASTERBO ONE LOOK F3 2100 KONTIO Jor. Rocklinger Bjorn 8546 €
Orig.: Charly du Noyer - Vasterbo High Five 1a 8a 1a 1a 4a
8 LOVELY PACE F3 2100 OHLSSON Ulf Rocklinger Bjorn 7930 €
Orig.: Django Riff - Famous Pace 2a 1a 2a
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