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Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 

1 - PRIX Monarch Medical Maiden Plate

- 9 Runners - 16778 - Flat - 2200 metres (PSF)


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 BONJOUR BLUE {AUS} (Oe) DURIC V. 59.5 H6 12p (23) 8p 6p 9p
2 CASTROFRANCARU {AUS} (Oe) Thomas Stockdale 59.5 H7 6p 2s 5p 12p (23)
3 DASH RIPROCK {AUS} Adam McCabe 59.5 H8 9p 10p 3p 1p 4p
4 MANCO MAN {AUS} (Oe) Michael Walker 59.5 H7 7p 5p 6p 5p 10p
6 STEAK KNIVES {NZ} (Oe) Blaike McDougall 59.5 H6 8p 9p 7p 2p (22)
7 THE KOOLMINT KID {AUS} (Oe) DOWNEY R. 59.5 H6 8p 4p 6p Tp 8p
8 FANTASTIC GALAXY {AUS} (Oe) Michael Dee 57.5 F6 6p (22) 9p 6p 2p
10 MISS MOOCHA {AUS} (Oe) Ethan Brown 57.5 F6 3p 4p 1p 2p 6p
11 YES SIR ICANBOOGIE {NZ} (Oe) Jake Noonan 57.5 F6 5p 6p 11p 7p 8p
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