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R6 - Z6 CHL-SANTIAGO - the MONDAY 17 JUNE 2024

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18 


00h17 - 13 Runners - 2605 - Flat - Handicap - 3 years and More - 1000m - Piste en Herbe


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 CARITA DE AMOR {CHL} SOTO VERGARA Bas. 54 F4 1p 3p 1p 4p 11p 126 61.7
2 THE GOOD DOCTOR {CHL} GONZALEZ Seb. 59 M5 3p 7p 0p 6p 0p 13 7.4
3 CONGOBELGA {CHL} SANCHEZ SAN MARTI Dav. P. 61 M6 3p 4p 7p 13p 10p 115 30.4
4 SANITO {CHL} ALVARADO D. 53 M6 0p 0p 4p 7p 6p 64 23.2
5 SE PREPARO {CHL} TORO NARANJO Jes. A. 53 M7 14p 8p 9p 8p 4p 128 93.2
6 ENTERA RICA {CHL} MORALES A. 53 F4 8p 7p 3p 8p 0p 21 9.2
7 CORNELIO ESCIPION {CHL} HERRERA OLIVARES J.A. 60 M4 10p 6p 10p 13p 7p 84 21.8
8 SIGUE VOLANDO {CHL} (Oe) GONZALEZ MORENO Jor. A. 59 F5 9p 8p 4p 2p 5p 6.8 5.9
9 AMIGA CHAO LIN {CHL} VERGARA OYARZUN Jor. L. 56 F4 0p 8p 2p 1p 1p 4.9 5
10 NOTORIOUS LOVER {CHL} DORES CABRERA Rod. S. 60 M4 10p 7p 9p 4p 10p 5.7 5.8
11 LA PROMO {CHL} GONZALEZ Joh. 53 F5 2p 4p 5p 5p 1p 93 135.1
12 SAFAT {CHL} (Oe) SANTIBANEZ CHAVEZ Nic. 55 M4 10p 10p 3p 1p 13p 75 27.7
13 EL CONVENCIONAL {CHL} ROBLES Ped. R. 57.5 M5 10p 7p 0p 10p 4p 3.7 5.1
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