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R5 - Z5 CHL-SANTIAGO - the MONDAY 20 JUNE 2022

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R5C12 - PRIX Francisco Baeza S.

22h40 - 8 Runners - 17966 - Flat - Clasico - Female 3 years and More - 2000m.


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 CASA LAGO {CHL} CISTERNAS AYALA Raf. F. 57 F6 5p (22) 6p 5p 3p 21.6
2 NENUFAR AZUL {CHL} HERRERA OLIVARES J.A. 57 F6 5p 2p 3p 1p 1p 2.7
3 LUCY LOU {CHL} (Oe) CIFUENTES PEDRAZA Vic. 57 F6 0p 8p 0p 6p 2p 14.4
4 AUSTRALIA MIA {USA} ULLOA PEREZ Osc. A. 57 F6 3p 7p 3p (22) 2p 2.2
5 PERHAPS NOW {CHL} TORRES CHAMORRO Lui. A. 60 F7 0p 3p 7p 0p 2p 39.7
6 SUSPIRA MI AMOR {CHL} GONZALEZ MORENO Jor. A. 57 F6 7p 5p 6p 2p 2p 16.4
7 CHOOSE TO WIN {CHL} LEON Ber. 60 F7 4p 5p 4p 6p 5p 32.1
8 DANDO AMOR {CHL} ALBORNOZ Joë. I. 57 F6 0p 0p 2p 4p 5p 9.5
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