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8 - PRIX Arizona Breeders' Futurity Stakes

00h15 - 10 Runners - 33333 - Flat - Female - 1200m - 2 years


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 DIAMANTE ELEGANTE {USA} Alex M. Cruz 54 F2 2p 3p 3p 1p 14 11.1
2 SQUEEZE THE DAY {USA} Ken S. Tohill 54 F2 4p 2p 1p 5 8.1
3 STAY N LOV {USA} Cerapio Figueroa 54 F2 5p 20 26
4 BRUMBODOPPELGANGER {USA} Daniel P. Vergara 54 F2 1p 2p 8.7 3.3
5 BANGO GAL {USA} Leslie Mawing 54 F2 7p 20 26
6 JUST CALL ME LUCKY {USA} Glenn W. Corbett 54 F2 1p 4p 1p 6.2 6.1
7 ROLLING MY EYES {USA} Manuel Americano 54 F2 1p 6p 4p 2p 4p 16 12.4
8 LA VALENTINA {USA} Kiaman McGregor 54 F2 11 12.8
9 AUDACITY OF FAITH {USA} Luis R. Reyes 54 F2 1p 6p 5p 16 16.7
10 BE AWARE {USA} Orlando Mojica 54 F2 2p 7.4 5.1
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