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Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 


12h50 - 16 Runners - 50000 - Fences - Male and Hongres - Inédits - 3 years - 3200 mètres, Corde à gauche


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 SOLEIL DE CANNES BURELLER E. 67 H5 7h (22) 4h 2h 11h 158 90.7 34 78 78
2 HARQUENCY HOWIE N. 67 H5 Ah (22) 7h 6h 5h 176 53 166 53 53
3 BOB MORANE ZULIANI A. 67 H5 Th 9h 3h 5h (23) 5.9 5.2 10 4.7 4.7
4 COSTA RICA NABET K. 67 H5 Ts Ts 3s Ts 3h 20 14.2 17 14 14
5 JOUR POLAIRE UBEDA D. 67 H5 1s 6h 6h 5h 5h 161 52.3 124 47 47
6 WHYMPER {GER} LE CLERC B. 67 H5 6s 2s 4s 3h 2s 18 5.2 7.7 4.9 4.9
7 FRAGA HAS DUBOURG K. 67 H5 2c 3c 1c 3c 2c 7 11.7 9.2 8.8 8.8
8 GARCON D'OR DA SILVA Jér. 67 H5 Ah 7p 7h Ah 82 19.9 10 17 17
9 VINYANN ST LAURENT DESOUTTER MLLE N. 65 H5 8h As 6s 4s Ts 166 40.6 3.5 28 28
10 BUCKSY DES EPEIRES DUBOURG P. 67 H5 2s 1s 2h 9h Th 8.2 11.7 11 10 10
11 GOLIATH DU RHEU MASURE G. 67 H5 2s 1s 2s 2s (22) 7.6 7.5 22 10 10
12 VISION DU RHEU PAILLARD S. 67 H5 2s Ah Th 8h 7h 6.5 33.2 59 42 42
13 BON CONSEIL LAJON W. 67 H5 6s (23) 9s 3s (22) 174 57.6 30 78 78
14 VASLOREY DE GILES F. 67 H5 3h (22) 7h 1h Ah 8.4 26.6 25 22 22
15 OULALAH RE G. 67 M5 1h 3h 7h 2p (21) 108 8.2 7.9 9.7 9.7
16 START IN FRONT FOUCHET B. 67 H5 Th (23) 3h 1h 3h 153 13.6 37 16 16
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