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R3 - Z3 AUT-BADEN - the SUNDAY 11 AUGUST 2019

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11 

R3C5 - HR Prof. Mag. Viktor Wallner-Memorial

16h40 - 10 Runners - 1.500 Attelé 2.100m Autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 DIAMANT VENUS RUTH W. 2100 H8 2a 3a Da 12a 5a 3.6 4
2 GRAFENEGG MAYR Ger. 2100 M8 4a 5a 1a 4a 4a 7.2 4
3 THE RIVER H PRIBIL Tho. 2100 M9 (23) Da Da 7a 4a 30 44.9
4 MAKEMEHAPPY KUBES E. 2100 F9 11a 2a 9a 9a 4a 54 25.7
5 ALLEGRA BRANDSTATTER HUB. J. 2100 F9 Da 7a 6a 8a 5a 30 43.9
6 JERONYMO CASEI MAYR MME C. 2100 H9 5a 6a 2a 10a 5a 9.6 12.2
7 JUSTICE KRENMAYR Gre. 2100 H8 Da 7a Da 3a 4a 6 2.4
8 CALLINA MYSTERE KONLECHNER Fra. 2100 F10 (20) 7a 7a 6a 6a 7.2 35.9
9 CHARLOT VENUS ZANDERIGO M. 2100 F13 6a Da 5a Da (20) 30 29.1
10 VARENNE VENUS KUBIKOVA MME I. 2100 H10 2a Da 4a 6a 3a 17 43
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