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R5 - Z5 LAVAL - the FRIDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2021

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 


19h50 - 15 Runners - Left ropes - 20.000 Euros - Monté. - Race track E, 2.850 mètres.


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
2 FORTUNA JIEL CORBINEAU CH. 2850 F9 5m Da 0a Da 0a 20 41.2 13 23
3 FLAMBOYANTE ANDRE A. 2850 F9 Dm 6a Da (22) Dm 41 51.4 25 33
4 GOAL DE LA MORTRIE MOTTIER M. 2850 H8 8m Dm 1m 3m 3m 8.3 6.6 11 6.6
5 GALOPIN DE POTES (Da) BARRIER A. 2850 H8 7m 8m 6m Dm Dm 17 2.8 7.7 5.3
6 FOREMAN D'EOLE (D4) BOISEAU CH. 2850 H9 9m 7a 6a 0m Dm 36 82.3 223 54
7 FLORIDE DU PERCHE COLLET MLLE M. 2850 F9 Da 0m 9a Da 0a 53 76 111 29
8 FUN FOR JET BALU L. 2850 H9 Da 9a Da 7a 5a 11 13.8 6.3 7.9
9 FEE FOUTEAU (D4) FRECELLE CL. 2850 F9 Dm Dm 0a Dm Da 3.8 10.8 12 13
10 FLICKA DU PERCHE (D4) QUEIROS MLLE M. 2850 F9 5a 9a 5a 1a 1a 45 60.8 16 36
11 FLORE DUB'S GENDROT A. 2850 F9 0a (21) Da Dm 0a 72 166.6 55 112
12 FUN DE BELLANDE (D4) MLLE LEPAGE A. 2850 H9 6a 2a 4a 2a (23) 12 11.3 41 17
13 FIESTA TEJY (D4) BERTIN Lil. 2850 F9 2a 4a 0a 8a 0a 69 75.2 9.2 23
14 FLORA DE LA RUE (D4) LECOQ MME Lou A. 2850 F9 Dm 3m 2m 1m 2m 12 18.4 6.3 15
15 FLAMENCO JIEL BODIN Ale. 2850 H9 6a 0m (22) Dm 1m 18 5.9 9.8 8.4
16 FLEUR DES TOURS MARTIN G. 2850 F9 Da Da 5a 4a 9a 18 13.2 10 7.6
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