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R7 - Z7 SWE-ROMME - the WEDNESDAY 25 MAY 2022

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11 

R7C4 - PRIX Course 4

19h27 - 12 Runners - 9037 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 STALVIKTOR GALLERSTEDT Mat. 2140 H9 0a 2a 2a 2a 3a 90 23.4
2 PERSO OHLSSON Ulf 2140 H9 8a 8a 7a 0a 0a 12 7.6
3 HAGA MODDE PERSSON Hak. K. 2140 M10 0a 8a 3m 0a 5a 78 38.8
4 MINEA PETTERSSON Tom. 2140 F7 7a 6a Da 0a 0m 78 38.2
5 MANBEST A.M. MELANDER Gun. 2140 M9 6a 8a 0a 3a 1a 47 19.4
6 TAGA VIKTOR LARSSON MME Ann C. 2140 H12 0a 0a 2a (22) 0a 53 76.5
7 PEGASUS MIA KIHLSTROM Orj. 2140 F7 0a 6a 6a 6a 6a 7.4 6
8 SLANDAN LEANDER MME Ann. 2140 F11 0a 5a 8a 0a 8a 23 98.4
9 PER VIKING KONTIO Jor. 2140 M9 7a 6a 5a 2a 4a 3.8 2
10 WILDA SIMON WESTERHOLM Nik. 2140 H7 Dm (22) Da 6a Da 12 14.5
11 GARLI KONGEN MJOLNEROD Jan R. 2140 M8 Da 10a (23) 0a Da 6.3 11.5
12 B.W.BILLE DJUSE Mat. E. 2140 M7 0a 4a 0a (23) 2a 6.3 21.5
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