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R2 - Z2 NOR-BJERKE - the MONDAY 26 JUNE 2017

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5 

R2C3 - Prix Cygnus d'Odyssée

12h10 - 11 Runners - 39.000 NOK Attelé 2.600m Autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 UMIDO PETRAL (D4) OSTRE Ole J. 2600 M11 (17) 1a 4a 2a 5a 3.8 5.6 7.1 7 8.2
2 DREAM PRINCESS PEDERSEN Mor. A. 2600 F13 1a 5a (15) 5a 32 7 11.9 13.5 5.2
3 AFRODISIAC GUNDERSEN Gei. V. 2600 F13 0a Aa (15) 6a 77 56.2 13.9 23.8 31.7
4 BRAVE GIRL DALEN Dag S. 2600 F13 6a 8a 7a 9a (15) 51 41.1 19.3 29.4 47.8
5 DAHIR TARIEL MIDTFJELD Per. O. 2600 H13 6a (17) 1a 0a 9 3.1 5.9 6.4 3.6
6 LADY MICHELL JOHANSEN Kai 2600 F14 8a 3a 0a 4a 2a 12 28.1 6 8.1 15.4
7 RITA MINOR FOSSEN Sti. I. 2600 F12 8a 0a Aa 7a 21 62.8 25.7 36.9 75.1
8 JETSUN (Da) GUNDERSEN Mag. T. 2600 H11 Da (18) Da (17) 0a 8.7 6.5 5.7 3.1 4.4
9 CLOSETHEGATE AUSTEVOLL Gun. 2600 F15 9a 4a 5.1 8.6 20.6 15.8 18.8
10 MC VET HOITOMT Eir. 2600 H14 Da 4a Da 4a 0a 14 8.3 6.3 6.9 7.9
11 NORSE IDEAL MALMIN Kri. 2600 H13 0m 0a 0a (20) 0a 21 25.1 14 18 19.1
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