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Z7 NANTES - the MONDAY 29 MARCH 2021

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7 


13h30 - 10 Runners - 18000 - Flat - Handicap - 3 years - 1600 mètres, Corde à gauche - Ref: +26


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 THE SUNRISE CABRE J. 59.5 M6 1p 6p (22) 11p (21) 20 14.5
2 CHE MILONGUITA OGER MME L. 56.5 F6 5p 4p 8p 7p 6p 17 5.5
3 QUINDIANO ROUSSEAU L. 55.5 H6 10p 5p 8p 9p 15p 12 8.6
4 NOBLE AMBER BOCHE Dam. 57 F6 4p 8p 1p 6p 5p 9.5 2.6
5 GOT FROST D' ANDIGNE O. 56 H6 9p 10p 12p 15p 8p 12 15
6 TWIN BOY ROUSSET Y. 57 H6 5p 3p 1p 7p 1p 9.5 52.8
7 CHANTEUSE MARIE Benj. 54.5 F6 13p 4p 9p 9p 7p 12 25
8 GOT NAVY MARTINO S. 55 H6 12p 12p 9p 6p (21) 16 8.4
9 RUE JONAS ANDROUIN M. 55 F6 8p 5p 7p 7p 1p 3.9 10.4
10 INFLUENCE BERE (Oe) JUSTUM M. 53.5 F6 (21) 3h 2h 3p 4h 9.5 14.2
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