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1 - Prix Zeturf

17h00 - 12 Runners - 1000 Euros - Attelé - 2080 mètres


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 OWEN SWAGERMAN VAN DER BLONK F.W. 2080 H3 7a 5a 7a 9a 28 42.9
2 OMAR SCHERMER VERKAIK F. 2080 M3 Da 1a 7a 6.4 4.8
3 LUGER CREBAS Baa. J. 2080 H3 1a 1a 6a 1a 1a 4.1 3.4
4 EXPLOSIVE RIS (Dp) KOOYMAN T.H. 2080 H4 3a Da 2a 1a Da 45 33.2
5 KRACK WELL WESTENBRINK J. 2080 H4 7a 6a 7a 4a 5a 15 19.8
6 KIMONO CALM DEKKER Jon. 2080 H4 Da Da 7a Da Da 52 59.6
7 OTELLA POOLS R. 2080 F3 Da 4a 5a 5a 2a 5.2 17.5
8 MARILLION (Da) TIMMER MME K. 2105 H5 6a Da Da Da 2a 13 18.5
9 MELIA VREDEBEST VAN TOOR R. 2080 F5 3a 4a 7a 6a 6a 55 36.5
10 OUTRAGEOUS BOKO BAKKER A. 2080 F3 4a 9a 5a 6a 4a 50 16.1
11 JANERO DES MONTS AALBERS MME C. 2105 H5 5a 4a 3a 3a 2a 48 8.2
12 KEEP THE CHANGE VAN RIJN Jaa. 2080 H4 6a 3a 4a Da 3a 8 4.3
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