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6 - PRIX Kallblodslopp

20h00 - 10 Runners - 4198 euros - 1609m - Attelé Autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 ALS FAKSEN DALEN Dag S. 1609 M12 5a 2a 0a (23) 4a
2 TAKO O.K. Alexander Heisholt 1609 H11 Dm 2a 4a 0a 0a
3 BATTIMO TVEDT Her. R. 1609 H11 0a 0a 5m 0a 0a
4 VESTPOL KONGEN ROYRAS Run. 1609 H9 0a 0a 6a 3a 4a
5 GARLI KONGEN Aune Jan Roar 1609 M8 Da 10a (23) 0a Da
6 SOLMYR ARVID HOITOMT Eir. 1609 H9 0a 7a 0a 1a 4a
7 ALM RANDERS MIKKELBORG Ola. 1609 M9 (23) Da 4a 2a 7a
8 LYKKJE CORNELIUS Jan Rune Gaustad 1609 M9 0m (23) 0a 5a 1a
9 BJORE LYDIA Per Arvesen 1609 F13 0a 5a Da 6a 8a
10 RIGEL OYVIND GUNDERSEN Mag. T. 1609 M10 6m 0a Aa 0a (21)
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