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2 - PRIX Trearingslopp

18h53 - 11 Runners - 10286 euros - 2140m - Attelé Volte


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 MARISSE EDIN Ste. 2140 F6 0a 0a 6a 0a 2a
3 GAS N'GOLD ELIASSON Vin. 2140 F6 6a 5a 4a 5a 1a
4 DIAMOND FROM HILL SVENSSON Hen. 2140 H6 5a 7a 1a 0a Da
5 M.T.RAMBLING ROSE ALSEN Oll. 2140 F6 5a 5a 7a 0a 0a
6 QUARRY CRUSHER ANDERSSON Jim. 2140 H6 2a 1a 0a 2a
7 NISSE RARING EGGEN Ari. 2140 H6 0a 5a 0a 0a 1a
8 GLORIOUS FLOW OSTMAN Joh. 2140 F6 0a 0a 3a 0a 3a
9 CREATED BY EVE DJUSE Mat. E. 2140 H6 4a 7a 0a 5a 2a
10 LUKA MODRIC NORBERG Jan. 2140 H6 6a 1a 4a 1a 6a
11 TIMELESS SUNSET DUNDER Rob. 2140 H6 3a 2a 5a 5a 2a
12 ZAALBAR WICKMAN Pat. 2140 H6 3a 1a 3a (21) 2a
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