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8 - PRIX P21-lopp

14h46 - 15 Runners - 2772 euros - 2140m - Attelé Volte


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 FREE FALL WEB LINDBERG Kri. 2140 H11 4a 0m 4a 5a 7a
2 LIVI OPAL H.M. MAHONY Paw 2140 F8 0a (23) 0a 0a 0m
3 FARFAR LIXARVE DAGGERT Ben. E. 2140 H10 Da (22) 0a 0a 0a
4 CRAZY MAN AS AARUM Dag. 2140 H10 0m 0a 0a 7a 0a
5 TOWBAR OSTRE Ole J. 2140 H9 5m 5m 0a 0a 0a
6 BODY CONTACT OSTERLOF WESTRUM Sti. C. 2140 F8 Da 0a 0a 0a 0a
7 BARA JOE SILVEN Jan 2140 H10 Da Da (21) 5a 7a
8 ANOTHERDEWEY PERSSON Gle. H. 2140 H12 5a 6a 3a (21) 0a
9 HANGRE STROMBERG Pet. 2140 H13 0a 0a 7a Da 3a
10 LIKEITALOT NILSSON Per 2140 F9 0a 5a 3a 5a 0a
11 GREAT WINNER JAKOBSSON Mag. 2160 H9 (22) 5a 0a 5a 3a
13 BRAVIVIVICIMO HORPESTAD Tom 2160 F11 0a 0a 0m 3a 0a
14 BENZEMA IVARSSON Morg. 2160 H10 3m 4m 5m 0a 3a
15 SUKPOINT C.C. ANDERSSON Mik. 2160 H13 7a 0a 0a (21) 0a
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