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8 - PRIX Goran Abrahamsons lopp - Fyraaringslopp

20h56 - 11 Runners - 16231 euros - 2100m - Attelé Autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 GRANT HALL BERGH Rob. 2100 M6 3a 1a 1a (23) 0a 18 9.9
2 CAVOUR GRIF KOLGJINI Adr. 2100 M6 0a 3a 6a 5a Da 68 72.8
3 LOCALE BOKO HAUGSTAD Ken. 2100 H6 Da 1a 1a 5a Da 48 17.4
4 BOLD REQUEST PIETERS Dwi. 2100 M6 0a 3a 3a 2a 1a 27 20.8
5 L.L.POD PRIMO SKOGLUND Rik. N. 2100 H6 0a 8a 3a 6a 7a 104 48.5
6 DJANGO SILVER OHLSSON Ulf 2100 H6 9a 0a 9a (23) Dm 13 2.9
7 CIAK BI KONTIO Jor. 2100 M6 8m 12a 0a 0a (23) 3.7 14.5
8 ATOMIC FACE KYLIN-BLOM Osk. 2100 H6 7a 0m 5a 0a 1a 68 8.7
9 PLOQUEPIN LEO MME Emi. 2100 H6 5m 0m (23) 5m 2m 4.2 20.3
10 MISTER INVICTUS LENNARTSSON Per 2100 H6 Da Dm 1a 2m Dm 11 3.1
11 MARLON BOKO WAJERSTEN Dan. 2100 H6 5a 6a 6a 2a 2a 5.7 30.1
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