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R5C7 - European Championship for Mares (Gr I - UET Masters Series)

20h15 - 78451 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 DILEVA KALL NORMAN Pet. G. 2140 F18 (14) Da 0a 1a 0a 13 12.5 5.7 6.1 5.9
2 SHE LOVES YOU MARKKULA S. 2140 F17 Da 4a 3a Da 2a 6.5 23.1 9.4 9 12
3 AISLE STAND SJOSTROM Cla. 2140 F17 (15) 0a (14) 0a 0a 47 51.1 20 23 31
4 ARIANE BEEMD BAKKER R. 2140 F17 3a 9a 6a 1a 1a 18 44.7 37 46 75
5 K.L.M.PRELONG KONTIO Jor. 2140 F20 Da 2a (12) 4a 0a 26 28.6 19 24 29
6 SAVE THE QUICK LOCQUENEUX D. 2140 F18 Da 6m 4a (13) 1m 10 7.1 8.3 10 6.1
7 MARIELLES ADIELSSON Eri. 2140 F18 6a 6a 9a 9a 4a 6.5 2.9 5.4 5.2 4
9 TAMLA CELEBER KIHLSTROM Orj. 2140 F17 (14) 5a (13) 1a 0a 46 6.4 4.8 3.8 4.1
10 GLOBAL MIDNIGHT SVANSTEDT Ake 2140 F17 (15) 5a 9a 7a 5m 16 18.3 8.5 8.1 9.6
11 VINCENNES OHLSSON Ulf 2140 F16 8a 4a 0a Da 6a 3.9 3.8 8.7 9 10
12 VIOLA SILAS PERSSON Fre. 2140 F18 (13) 6a (12) 0a 3a 20 28.6 9.5 10 13
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