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9 - PRIX Breeders' Crown - Fyraariga Hingstar

21h40 - 12 Runners - 22104 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart - Sable - Corde a Gauche


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 CALL ME GLEIPNER UNTERSTEINER Joh. 2140 M4 0a Da 2a 1a 2a 5.4 2.7
2 GLOBAL EDUCATION OSTRE Ole J. 2140 M4 1a Da 6a 4a 5a 15 23.5
3 PURE STEEL SJUNNESSON Jor. 2140 M4 6a 5a 3a Da Da 4.5 27.8
4 BARON TILLY EKLUNDH And. 2140 M4 Da Da 4a 7a 8a 4.6 4.6
5 MAROON DAY GINMAN Osc. 2140 H4 1a 1a Da 2a 6a 12 4.8
6 MASERATI HALL ROSLEFF Vic. 2140 M4 0a 2a 6a 8a 0a 41 16.8
8 LUCKY LANE JOHANSSON Gus. 2140 H4 0a 0a 2a 1a 6a 88 18.6
9 UNDERGROUND ARTIST BERGH Rob. 2140 M4 0a 2a 5a 1a 5a 16 13.1
10 CELERITY BROLINE PERSSON Ste. 2140 H4 3a 2a 5a 2a Da 56 17.6
11 ICEBREAKER PELLINI UHRBERG Tho. 2140 M4 3a 3a 6a 3a 2a 19 17.6
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