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2 - PRIX Trearingslopp - Ston

18h42 - 12 Runners - 12500 euros - 2140m - Attelé Volte


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 BANZAI FACE UNTERSTEINER Joh. 2140 F5 0a 0a 5a (22) 6a
2 ZINNIA OTTOSSON Dan 2140 F5 7a 2a Da 6a 0a
3 TETRIS LARSEN MME Hen. 2140 F5 0a 8a 7a 0a 4a
4 YANTRA SLAVE CAL WILHELM Paa. 2140 F5 1a 0a 0a 2a 2a
5 ESPANOL PERSSON Ste. 2140 F5 0a 5a 6a (23) Da
6 SHE'S SHE LOVGREN Joa. 2140 F5 1a 3a 6a 3a 1a
7 JELLY BEAN MEARAS UNTERSTEINER Pet. 2140 F5 Da Aa 0a 3a (23)
8 BORUPS ANEMON LINDBLAD Con. 2140 F5 6a 5a 4a 2a 4a
9 RESERVA DE HAAN Mar. 2140 F5 Da 0a 1a 5a 1a
10 HIGHER LOVE INGVES Pet. 2140 F5 0a 0a (23) 0a 0a
11 KENT'S GOODWILL LIND MME Joh. 2140 F5 (23) 6a 0a Da 0a
12 HVENHILDA QUICK UHRBERG Tho. 2140 F5 0a 0a 5a 0a 2a
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