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6 - PRIX Course 6

20h30 - 11 Runners - 12133 euros - 2140m - Attelé Volte - Sable - Corde a Gauche


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 JAMESON K.W. EKLUNDH And. 2140 H5 6a 0a 3a 1a Da 7.2 4.2
2 NYRAS LARS R. JEPSON Car. J. 2140 M5 4a 3a 4a 4a Da 19 3.9
3 WILSON LAYLOCK OSTRE Ole J. 2140 H7 4a 0a 3a 6a 3a 67 52.7
4 SUNRISE KOLGJINI Adr. 2140 H5 0a 0a 0a 0a 5a 117 11.8
5 CON PADRE LAHDEKORPI MME Han. 2140 H5 2a 3a 8a 4a 2a 8.1 19.9
6 CASH BORE FIORE Chr. 2140 H9 5a 0a 6a 1a 5a 99 193.7
7 LUCA BAROSSO UNTERSTEINER Joh. 2140 H5 2a 2a Da 3a Da 15 3.4
8 FAIRPLAY JOHANSSON Gus. 2140 H5 7a 1m 2a 0a 2a 2.1 18.6
9 CAPIROSKA FONT UHRBERG Tho. 2160 F6 0a 6a 1a 0a 2a 12 9.7
10 TASHERIT CREBAS Han. 2160 F7 4a 0a 4a 5a 0a 66 18.6
11 TOWNSHEND BROLINE PERSSON Ste. 2160 H9 0a 4a 0a 4a 0a 113 34.1
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