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4 - PRIX Starter Optional Claiming

- 7 Runners - 541 - Flat - Starter Optional Claiming - Female 3 years and More - 1000m. (PSF)

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable Weight Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 UNO TIGRESS {USA} 56 F4 Yomar O. Ortiz DALE BENNETT 1p 1p 4p 1p 6p 7p
2 PRINCESS COREY {USA} 55.5 F4 Carol Cedeno KIERON MAGEE 2p 1p (21) 2p 1p 4p
3 ALWAYS SOMETHING {USA} 54.5 F4 Kevin Gomez VALORA A. TESTERMAN 7p (22) 8p 6p 7p 4p
4 LUCRE {USA} 54 F5 Alexander Crispin JUSTIN J. NIXON 5p (21) 5p 2p 6p 6p
5 BETHABARA {USA} 56 F4 Victor R. Carrasco HAMILTON A. SMITH 5p 5p 4p 2p 5p 6p
6 MARGIE'S HEAVEN {USA} 57 F4 Angel Cruz HUGH I. MCMAHON 7p 9p 1p 3p (21) 2p
7 JENN'S THE BOSS {USA} 54 F4 Charlie Marquez CATHAL A. LYNCH 2p 1p 7p 7p 6p (20)
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