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R10 - Z9 LYON PARILLY - the SUNDAY 04 APRIL 2021

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 


16h50 - 10 Runners - 18000 - Fences - 5 years and More - 3800 mètres

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable Weight Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 AUTOCRAT 71 H7 RENARD A. COTTIN D. Ah Th 1h 3s (20) 1h
2 EMIRAT {AQ} 68 H7 CHAILLOLEAU M. CLAYEUX (S) E. 5s 3h 4h 2h 3s 3h
3 FIRST DAUM 67 H7 SATALIA D. SATALIA D. Ts (21) 2h 7h 1h 4h
4 MEASURE OF A DAY 66 H6 COYER J. PIMBONNET M. 6p 1p 7s 6h 4h 8h
5 FOU DE ROSA {AQ} 68 H6 BLOT P. CHENU D. Ah 9h (20) 10p 3p 5p
6 GRACE A DIEU 67 H5 GELHAY B. DECOUZ (S) P. 4h 4h 3h 6h (20) 1h
7 GOLDAMI KA 66 F7 LABAISSE E. HERZOG K. 7h 7h (20) 4h 9h 8s
8 HIGHEST STATE 65 F6 GILLET Tho. KENNEL F. 8h Ah (19) 8h 4h 15p
9 RISKY STAR 63 F6 SMEULDERS C. PITART M. 5s 2h 9s 1h 2s 4s
10 SAMBA PA TI {IRE} 63 F7 ARIDJ MEHDI-MIKE SCHMITT MLLE E. Th 8h (20) 10p 12p 2p
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