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4 - PRIX Svensk Travsports Unghastserie - Fyraaringslopp Ston - Presenteras av Mels

19h30 - 9 Runners - 12500 euros - 2120m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 HILMA LIXARVE 2120 F4 LUNDBERG Pet. Wiman Johan 8a 8a 0a (23) 0a 0a
2 PLAYMATE LIXARVE 2120 F4 WIMAN Joh. Wiman Johan 0a 6a 8a 0a 6a 7a
3 ESS MAHATMA 2120 F4 LEO MME Emi. Wallin Fredrik 7a 0a 0a Da 8a
4 LUPINE B.M.W. 2140 F4 KARLSSON Pet. PETTERSSON Thomas B 0m 0a 5a 1a 7m 0m
5 STAR SIGN 2140 F4 SJOSTROM Cla. Wiman Johan 8a 8a (23) 0a Da 0a
6 ART OF DESTINY 2140 F4 LUNDAHL MME Eva LASSEN Cina 0a 0a 8a 0a 0a (23)
7 MANDA CORD 2140 F4 DJUSE Mag. A. JONASSON Bertil 6a 5a 0a 8a 0a 7a
8 ONEINAMILLION H.C. 2140 F4 HELLGREN MME A. HERLIN Angelica 0a 0a 8a (23) 0a 7a
10 MARJONS GLORY 2140 F4 YTTERGREN MME Asa Yttergren Asa (23) Da 5a 7a 8a 4a
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