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8 - PRIX Breddlopp - Delningsproposition

13h40 - 12 Runners - 2772 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 ZARITASMALINA M.J. 2140 F5 VINGMYR MME N. VINGMYR Henrik 8a 0a 5a 0a 7a Da
2 BURSE CASANDRA 2140 F7 LASSON Joh. ANDERSSON Inger 0a 0a 6a 4a 0a 0a
3 BULLET BILL Dp 2140 H6 LOVDAL And. PALDAN Roni 0a 4a 5a 3a 2a 6a
4 MAX MAJO 2140 H10 FREDRIKSSON MME Reb. FREDRIKSSON Rebecca 0a 3a 7a (20) 0a 0a
5 DIGITAL LITERACY Dp 2140 F4 BYLUND Bjo. Melander Stefan 3a 5a 0a 0a 1a 3a
6 MADRIKEN AV SVEDEN 2140 F5 FORSEN MME L. Forsén Linda 6a 0m 0a 0a 7m 0a
7 ZOFIN THOBO 2140 F5 LARSSON Hen. Larsson Henrik 8a 7a 6a 0a 3a 1a
8 MR MICMAN Dp 2140 H8 ANDERSSON JSON Nik. SALANDER Veikko 0m 0a (22) 5m 4a 1a
9 MAGNIFICENT TOOMA 2140 H4 IVANOV Jev. Ivanov Jevgeni 4a (23) 4a 6a 2a (22)
10 LASSE IGIRO 2140 H7 JUSSILA Kai P. Franck Thomas 0a 0a 8a Da 0a
11 MYTHICAL FAIRYTALE 2140 H6 LYCK Vik. Larsson Henrik 2a 7a 7a 0a (19) 0a
12 PARIS BY CASH D4 2140 F4 JANSSON Ric. L. LUOMALA Sandra 0a 0a (21) 0a 0a Da
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