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2 - PRIX Borjes - Stallbacken

14h08 - 11 Runners - 5380 euros - 1609m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 GRAND DOUX 1609 H4 NIKLASSON Mar. Olsson Jarl 7a 0a (22) 0a 3m 6m
2 HURRICANE RED 1609 H4 ELIAS Mar. Frinta Elke 0a 5a 0a Da (20) 0a
3 I DO IT FOR YOU 1609 H6 JONSSON Cla. OHLSSON Lillemor 0m 4m 0a 8a 0a 0a
4 CALLING OUT 1609 H3 LINDGREN Mar. Lindgren Marcus 0a 1a Da 3a 0a
5 JOCASHI 1609 H5 LUGAUER C. Lugauer Conrad 0a 8a (23) Da 5a 5a
6 NOCCO 1609 F4 UHRBERG Tho. Uhrberg Thomas 7a 5a 6a 2a (22) 0a
7 FANTOM GODIVA 1609 H3 LOVGREN Joa. Lovgren Joakim Da 2a 6a 0a 1a 0a
8 HOOP OF COLOUR 1609 F4 OSCARSSON Kev. Moller Bobby Da 0a 0a 0a 4a 7a
10 PROFESSOR 1609 H4 ZACKRISSON Tom. FRANSSON Anett Da (23) 7a 0a 0a Da
11 LET IT BE STEEL 1609 H3 UNTERSTEINER Joh. UNTERSTEINER P. 0a 4a 4m 4a 0a 0a
12 VINCI NICE 1609 H3 LARSEN MME Hen. UNTERSTEINER P. 3a 1a (23) 4a 0m 0a
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