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2 - PRIX Svensk Travsports Unghastserie - Trearingslopp for ston

14h08 - 11 Runners - 10286 euros - 2140m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 LASSES TARA 2140 F3 ANDERSSON Mik. Stenstromer Ulf 6a 0a 4a 4a 2a 5a
3 GABI GOES TO PARIS 2140 F3 TENGSTAD Fre. Tengstad Fredrik 0a 2a 0a (23) 0a 7a
4 NAVY ZON 2140 F3 KARASIEWICZ And. Karasiewicz Andrzej 5a 0a 0a 0a 4a 7a
5 OTTENS ISA 2140 F3 JEPSON Car. J. Wallin Fredrik 0a 7a Da 0a 0a 0a
6 ZOEGA 2140 F3 LINDEROTH Mik. A. Linderoth Mikael A 0a 0a 0a 7a 0a 6a
7 ANGIE 2140 F3 MODIG Tob. Modig Tobias 0a 4a 3a 4a (21) 0a
8 UNDICI SKIFT 2140 F3 ERICSSON Sva. CARLSSON Kent (22) 5a Da 8a 0a 4a
9 SHINY RAPIDASH 2140 F3 GORSKI Ken. Gorski Kenneth 5a 3a 4a 7a 6a 0a
10 ROUBINE 2140 F3 GOOP Bjo. Goop Bjorn (23) 0a Da 8a 3a 7a
11 TWIGS INTENSE 2140 F3 ERIKSSON And. Ising Jasmine 0a (22) 7a 0a 8a 1a
12 VISUAL ALERT 2140 F3 DJUSE Mag. A. Djuse Mattias 0a 4a 1a 5a (22) 7a
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