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Z9 SWE-AMAL - the TUESDAY 23 MAY 2023

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 

10 - PRIX Axima New Holland

21h33 - 11 Runners - 5310 euros - 2080m - Attelé Volte - Sable - Corde a Gauche

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 MARCIA GRIFFITHS 2080 F4 JEPSON Car. J. KARLSSON Sofie 0a 2a 3a 7a 3a 7a
2 JOSH JAAM 2080 H4 MOBERG Jon. Moberg Jonas 3a 1a 0a 4a 1a
4 CHANDY R.D. 2080 F4 PERSSON Ste. Tornqvist Maria 0a 0a 0a 5a 6a 0a
5 ICE HEARTH 2080 H4 STROMBERG Pet. Stromberg Peter Da Da Da Da 6a 7a
7 REGAL TILE 2100 F4 KARLSSON Pet. Berglof Erik Da 3a 4a (22) Da 8a
8 ROSEHILLS TRUMP 2100 H4 GOOP Bjo. SODERQVIST Thomas 7a 4a 3a 3a 0a 7a
9 KARL EVELL 2100 H6 ANDERSSON Mik. WEDIN Kjell Da Da (23) 0a Da 5a
10 WHITE WIDOW 2100 F4 HORPESTAD Tom KLOVEN Stein Ivar 0a 0a 0a Da 5a 7a
11 PIONELLA 2100 F4 HULTMAN Mar. Hultman Marcus 3a 0a 5a 8a 2a 6a
12 WILD LAYLA 2100 F6 LUNDGREN MME Mar. Lundgren Hans-Olof 0a 5a 7a 7a 0a 8a
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