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4 - PRIX Course 4

19h30 - 11 Runners - 7066 euros - 1640m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 VELOCISTA G.G. 1640 F9 ADOLFSSON MME Sof. Granath Olov 5m 7m 3m (20) 0a 6m
2 CARMEN DIVISION Da 1640 F5 OSTRE Ole J. Ostre Ole Johan 0a Da 0a 0a 0a 6a
3 SON OF QUARCIO 1640 H4 LENNARTSSON Per Lennartsson Per 0a 0a Da (23) 8a 8a
4 ATLAS FONT D4 1640 M4 GOOP Bjo. Goop Bjorn (22) 2a Da Da Da Da
5 GLIDE DEVIE 1640 H5 KYLIN-BLOM Osk. KYLIN BLOM Oskar 4a 3a (21) Da Da 4a
6 IGGY BOKO 1640 H5 OHLSSON Ulf JOHANSSON Conny 0a 0a 0a 5a (20) 0a
7 JETSKE BEEMD 1640 F4 PERSSON Ste. Aronsson Sofia Da 0a 7a (20) 0a 5a
8 AFTER ALL FLASH D4 1640 H6 KARLSSON Pet. Granath Olov 0a 8a 0a Dm 8a 8a
9 CHEAP THRILLS 1640 H4 SVENSSON Cla. Svensson Claes 8a (22) 4a (21) 2a (20)
10 RAOEL ATTACK 1640 H5 SVEDBERG Mar. B. Svedberg Markus B Da (23) 0a Da (22) 0a
11 SHARE MARKET 1640 H7 EKBERG Osc. MATHIOYDAKIS Nalle 0a Da 6a 0a (20) 0a
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