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6 - PRIX Course 6

20h00 - 10 Runners - 4103 euros - 1700m - Attelé Autostart - Sable - Corde a Gauche

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 PHOTOLICIOUS 1700 H10 SOLBERG AKSELSEN Adr. OPHEIM Andreas 10a 7a 8a (23) 2a 2a
2 GOODMAN B.R. 1700 H9 BJORBAEK JESSEN MME S. JESSEN Simen BjOrbAEk 0a 0a (22) 0a 2a 2m
3 DENALI 1700 F9 STEINE Bjo. BAKKE Kamilla 6a Da Aa 0a 0a 4a
4 SPOT ON 1700 F7 HOP Vid. JESSEN Simen BjOrbAEk 5a 9a 6a 5a 8a 5a
5 KIM B.R. 1700 F5 GUNDERSEN Mag. T. PEDERSEN Kim Aa 8a Da 3a 4a 2a
6 S.M.K. SPIRIT 1700 H11 AARLIE MME R. Aarlie Renate 6a 6m 7a 8m 8a 7a
7 LE RAPIDE 1700 H9 KOLLE Lar. A. Gustavsen Bjorn 3a 3a 4a 9a 1a 4a
8 COKTAIL GUN M.E. 1700 H8 TENGSAREID Asb. Tengsareid Asbjorn 3a 0a 4a 4a 5m 4a
9 MIA VINCE 1700 F7 HOITOMT Eir. KROGH-HANSSEN Karoline 1a 9a 4a 2a 6a 2a
10 ONLY BE KIND TO ME 1700 F6 DALEN Dag S. ARNESEN Hans Petter 0a 2a 7a 0a 3a 5a
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