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6 - PRIX Svensk Travsports Kallblodsserie - Spartrappa

14h07 - 11 Runners - 8477 euros - 2640m - Attelé Autostart - Sable - Corde a Gauche

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 BRONN K.A. 2640 H6 ERIKSSON Tom. ERIKSSON Tommy 5a 3a 5a 3a 3a 4a
2 TROLLKJELL 2640 H8 BUSKAS WULFF MME Eri. BUSKAS WULFF Erica 0a 0a 4a 0a 8a
3 HOVDINGEN 2640 M4 LENNARTSSON Per ASEBO Ola 1a 1a 1a (23) Aa
4 KLACK IMRE 2640 H4 KONTIO Jor. REISER Joakim 2a 2a 0a 5a 2a 2a
5 SLOTTS OTTO 2640 H6 ANDERSSON MME Jon. ANDERSSON Jonna 8a 0a 6a 3a Da
6 HELMIN SILVA 2640 F7 STEINSETH B. STEINSETH Bjorn Da 4a 6a 2a 4a Da
7 ALM NORDSTJERNEN 2640 H4 OLSTOREN Boy. MYREN Karina 1a 5a 0a 1a 1a 7a
8 KOS BEST 2640 H5 JOHNSEN Ole JOHNSEN Ole 3a Da 5a 4a 1a 11a
9 STJARN LINA 2640 F9 FRICK Kaj. PERSSON Johan 0a Da Da 5a Da 3a
10 PIRRIBOJ 2640 H6 ESKILSSON Cla. NORDLUND Anna 0a 7a 4a 3a 1a 3a
11 HERA W.J. 2640 F6 JOHANSSON MME Mad. WILHELMSSON Robert Da 4a 0a 0a 0a
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