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10 - PRIX STL Bronsdivisionen, Forsok 1 i Meeting 6

18h20 - 12 Runners - 24336 euros - 1640m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 URGENT CALL D4 1640 H6 ANDERSSON Osk. J. ANDERSSON Oskar J 9a 9m 2m 4m 5m (21)
2 LIAM DANA Dp 1640 H6 SKOGLUND Rik. N. WESTHOLM Jorgen 6a Da 3a 4a 0a 8a
3 BELLA ON TOUR D4 1640 F8 JONSSON Fre. LOFQWIST Amanda 6a 8a 6a 1a 6a 7a
4 FALCON AM D4 1640 H4 SJOSTROM Cla. LINDER Fredrik 6a 4a 0a 6a 7a (23)
5 JUNI ROADRUNNER D4 1640 F7 FRICK Kaj. FRICK Kajsa 4a 0a 0a 6a (20) Da
6 LEXINGTON HALL D4 1640 H6 KONTIO Jor. NURMOS Timo 4a (22) 5a 9a 4m 8m
7 HOSSIANA BOKO D4 1640 F5 WESTHOLM Jor. WESTHOLM Jorgen Da 5a 0a 2a (20) 0a
8 JAQUES NOIR D4 1640 H6 GOOP Bjo. NURMOS Timo 7a 3a 0a (23) 4a 6a
9 SANDA LOVE D4 1640 H7 BERGH Rob. BERGH Robert Da Da (20) Da 4a 6a
10 YRR D4 1640 H7 ADIELSSON Eri. NURMOS Timo Da 2a 2a 3a 4a
11 NIGHT RHYTHM Da 1640 M4 JEPSON Car. J. REDEN Daniel 0a (20) 0a 0a Da Da
12 WIZARD SIMONI Da 1640 H8 WIDELL Kaj LONN Thomas 0a 0a 8a (19) Da 7a
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