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9 - Wallenius Cup - Trearingslopp for Ston

- 10928 euros - 1640m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 ARCTIC MODEL 1640 F3 KORPI Pek. KORPI Pekka (16) 0a (15) 1a 3a 1a
2 SNOW FLAKE GOJ 1640 F3 JANSSON Tor. JANSSON Sten O 6a 0a 0a 4a 0a (15)
3 ELSA BOKO 1640 F3 KONTIO Jor. NURMOS Timo 0a 3a (15) 0a 3a 6a
4 EVENING PRAYER 1640 F3 KIHLSTROM Orj. WALMANN Roger 0a 5a 1a (18) 9m 1a
5 BELLA BELUGA 1640 F3 MELANDER Ste. MELANDER Stefan 0a 0a 5a 4a 4a 1a
6 DEEPDISH 1640 F3 ARLING Tin. WALMANN Roger 0a Da Da (15) 0a 5a
7 FASHION DUO 1640 F3 WALLIN Ton. KORPELA P. Da (15) 4a (14) 0a 0a
8 RUBY 1640 F3 REDEN D. REDEN Daniel 0a 4a (14) 0a Da 1a
9 EILEEN BOKO 1640 F3 LINDEROTH Per. LINDEROTH Per 3a 4a 6a 6a 6a 3a
10 DANIELLE 1640 F3 OSCARSSON Jim OSCARSSON Jim 0a 0a 6a 0a 6a 0a
11 HOW AMAZING TOOMA 1640 F3 BERGH Rob. BERGH Robert 0a 8a 0a 5a 0a 1a
12 IPONEMA 1640 F3 LENNARTSSON Per MELIN S. Da 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a
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