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2 - PRIX Stolopp

18h51 - 12 Runners - 3278 euros - 1640m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 UNIQUE SISA 1640 F4 NIELSEN Ken. ANKERDAL Flemming 5a Da 3a 6a (16) 0a
2 ROMMY PRESTIGE 1640 F8 UNTERSTEINER Pet. LAUB Tina 0a Da (14) 0a 0a 5a
3 PHILISTINE FACE 1640 F3 KOLGJINI Adr. KOLGJINI Lutfi 8m Dm (18) 5m 4m 2m
4 CINDY PHOTO 1640 F4 TAKTER Joh. NILSSON Lars I 4m 6m 0m 1m (16) 7m
5 SMARAGD 1640 F6 ANDERSEN Nic. ANDERSEN Nicolaj Da 0a 7a 1a 5a 2a
6 SQUID 1640 F4 LOVGREN Joa. LOVGREN Joakim 7a 0a (17) 0a 0a 1a
7 EVITA DI QUATTRO 1640 F4 ERIKSSON Chr. ERIKSSON Christoffer 6a (15) 6a 6a 0a 6a
8 CARBON LAUNCHER 1640 F5 GRASSO Ber. LOVGREN Joakim 0a 0a 7a (15) Da 0a
9 SING IT DIABLO 1640 F6 INGVES Pet. JEPPSSON Dan 0a 0a Da 0a Da (15)
10 BIJOU BOURBON H.M. 1640 F3 LUGAUER C. LUGAUER Conrad 8a 9a 3a 1a 6a 2a
11 PREZIOSA ORS 1640 F6 JACOBSEN Axe. NORRBY Ulf 0a 0a 0a 7a 5a 7a
12 AGRIPPINA 1640 F7 ORBERG Bo NORDSTROM Emely 0a 4a 7a 0a 0a 0a
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