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3 - PRIX Trearingslopp

18h30 - 8 Runners - 10286 euros - 2640m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 GAMBINO BRICK 2640 H3 ANDERSSON Osk. J. SUNDBERG Hans-Owe 1a 6a 3a 5a 6m
2 FRANKLIN ZET 2640 H3 DJUSE Mat. E. REDEN Daniel 1a 7a 4a 6a 7a 0a
3 TAILWIND 2640 H3 HAUGSTAD Ken. HAUGSTAD Kenneth 0a 8a 2a 8a 8a 0a
4 LAIRD HAMILT BOKO 2640 H3 DJUSE Mat. DJUSE Mattias Da 0a 0a Da 3a 4a
5 GLOBAL CONCEPT 2640 M3 WESTHOLM Jor. WESTHOLM Jorgen (23) 4a 6a 0a Da 1a
6 BACKWOOD'S BRANDON 2640 H3 FORSS Mik. SALMELA Petri 0a 0a 6a 7a (23) Da
7 IZOR SISU 2640 H3 ERIKSSON And. AIKIO Pasi 5a 6a 5a 4a 7a 5a
8 ALBACETE 2640 H3 OHLSSON Ulf BATH Svante 4a 4a 4a 0a 1a 2a
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