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8 - PRIX Course 8

20h56 - 11 Runners - 8790 euros - 2640m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 GLAMOUR MAJYC 2640 H5 GOOP Bjo. GOOP Bjorn Da 0a 0a 0a 2a Da
2 TOSCA TILLY 2640 F5 ANDERSSON Mik. ANDERSSON Mikael J 0a 8a 4a 4a 4a 4a
3 M.T.ORLANDO 2640 H5 SEDSTROM MME Lin. JERNEMYR Magnus 5a 4a 4a 7a 4a 1a
5 I.D. DIG DEEPER 2660 H4 BERGLOF Eri. BERGLOF Erik Da 4a 4a 0a 3a 6a
6 BROLLE F. 2660 H5 LARSSON Mic. LARSSON Michael 5a 9a 1a (22) 0a (21)
7 SAVETHEBESTFORLAST 2660 H7 KARLSSON Pet. HELLMAN Eva-Lena 0a 0a 0a 0m (23) 3m
8 PRIMA KAISER 2680 M8 MAHONY Paw LOQVIST Emma Da (23) Da 6a 0a 6a
9 AMIGO RACER 2680 H6 IVARSSON Morg. IVARSSON Morgan 0a 0a 4a 0a (23) 5a
10 GLOBAL UNESCO 2680 H7 NILSSON Per GUSTAFSSON Berne Dm 2a 2a 0a 6a 3a
11 GLOBAL WEATHER 2680 H6 JAKOBSSON Mag. JAKOBSSON Magnus (23) 7a 4a 4a 4a (22)
12 TESTA DI CAVOLO 2680 H6 WESTERHOLM Nik. WESTERHOLM Nicklas 9a Da Da 4a 1a 6a
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