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5 - PRIX Course 5

19h51 - 10 Runners - 3380 euros - 2609m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 COOL COUNTER M.E. 2609 H9 MALMIN Kri. FROYLAND Baard Finn 0a Da 0a (21) 0a Da
2 INDIGO RIVER 2609 H4 RENNESVIK Erl. WOLDEN Anders LundstrOm 0a 3a 4a 0a Da 4a
3 TAYNO DESTRIER 2609 H5 BENDIKSEN Per I. AASLETTEN Ulf Atle 3a 2a (21) 4a 1a 2a
4 WISHMASTER 2609 M5 MIKKELBORG Ola. MIKKELBORG Olav 8a 5a 9a 1a 1a 1a
5 AJAX MIGUAN 2609 H7 AUSTEVOLL Gun. SKAUG Erik 5a 9a 0a 7a 7a 12a
6 VICO REGIO H. 2609 H5 FRONES MME A. ELLEFSEN Tor Wiggo 0a 6m 5a 0m 0m 3m
7 HILTON B.R. 2609 H5 SOLBERG AKSELSEN Adr. HAMRE Frode 6a 5a 0a (19) 3a 8a
9 DANDY DU METZ 2609 H7 KOLLE Lar. A. HALLE Tor Olaf Da Da (23) Da 7a (21)
10 DIESOLO DE LA LUNE 2609 H7 TENGSAREID Asb. TENGSAREID AsbjOrn 0a 6m 6a 0a 0a
11 RUSHLIGHT FACE 2609 H7 HOITOMT Eir. HELGESTAD Kjetil 4a 3a 4a 5m 0a 5a
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