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4 - PRIX Ivars Bil AB

14h20 - 11 Runners - 5380 euros - 2040m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 MOCKINGJAY R.C. 2040 H8 JOHANSSON Jon. OLOFSSON Karin Da 3a 0a 6a (20) 8a
2 EDITH DI GAZOLINA 2040 F6 FRILEN MME S. AKERMAN Fanny 8a 0a 7a Da (20) 7a
3 DISTANT THUNDER 2040 F3 LINDQVIST Ove A. SWEDIN Hans 3a 0a 8a 6a 4a
4 G.K.MICKA 2040 F4 NORBERG Jan. LENNARTSON Soren 2a 3a 0a (23) 8a 0a
5 TYR M.D. 2040 H5 JOHANSSON Jan O. BRANNGARD Caroline 0a 3a 4a 2a 6a 3a
6 KEEP CALM BOKO 2060 H4 MELANDER Mic. ERIKSSON Henrik (23) 0m 0m (22) 7a 0a
7 O.M.FLAME 2060 F6 DILLNER Jim. YLANDER Marianne 0a 5a 7a (23) 5a 4a
8 GONZO 2060 M7 EKLOF Bo GUSTAFSSON Anders 7a 4a 0a 8a 5a
9 GIDDEFIX 2060 M9 EDIN Ste. JOHANSSON Ulf Arne 0a 0a 7a 7a 5a (21)
10 G.K.ABSTRAKT 2060 H5 ISAKSSON Mik. ISAKSSON Mikael (23) 6a 7a 0a (22) 0a
11 NYRAS IDA 2060 F4 EKLUND Ric. PERSSON Johanna 0a Da 4a Da 0a 0a
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