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1 - PRIX Montélopp

13h45 - 9 Runners - 4619 euros - 2100m - Monté Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 MATCH QUEEN 2100 F8 KOLLE MME Hel. SOLBERG Fredrik Am 4m 0m 7m 3m 1m
2 COOL CANADIAN 2100 H7 BERAS Mal. NILSEN Margrethe 2m 1m 0a 1a 3a 0m
3 BANKER GO'S 2100 H9 ODEGARD MME Ama. KVASNES Kristine 7a 7a 0a 5a 5m 4a
4 FOUGUEUX 2100 H6 AMANDA BEHNKE WOLDEN Anders LundstrOm 0a 4a 0a 3a Da Da
5 ROYAL WINNER 2100 H7 Siv Emilie Lovvold HORDVIK Erik Hagseth 6a 0a 6a (22) 0a 6a
6 L.J.'S DREAMCATCHER 2100 H11 VALSTAD HAGMANN MME An ROKKAN Kim Age 8a (23) 0a 5a 4a 0a
7 DAYDREAMER 2100 H8 BERAS MME M. HALVORSEN Øystein Da 0a Da Dm 0a Da
8 NORA NOARK 2100 F10 Josefine Eilertsen BOTTOLFS Thure 0m 0a 0a 0a 0a 5a
9 EXPO B.R. 2100 M9 FINSAND MME Mar. MAELAND Mette H. 0a 5a 0a Da 0a 0a
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