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9 - PRIX Trearingslopp

20h44 - 10 Runners - 10215 euros - 1640m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 PRINCE RIGBY 1640 H3 VIKSTROM L. H. MORIN Hans 0a 0a 8a 3a 0a 0a
2 SWEET LIKE CANDY 1640 F3 LENNARTSSON Per PEDERSEN Ulrik 0a 0a 0a 0a (22) Da
3 AMAZING NAG 1640 F3 KARLSSON Pet. EKLUND Leif 2a 0a 5a 5a 0a 0a
4 GUCAMOLE 1640 H3 OHLSSON Ulf OHMAN Stefan 0a Da Da (21) 0a
5 FURIOSA 1640 F3 SJOSTROM Cla. STROMSTEDT Tony 0a 0a 8a 0a 0a 0a
6 HAFFA 1640 H3 BRANDEL Joh. BRANDEL Johan 8a Da 4a 8a 5a (22)
7 MOANA BOKO 1640 F3 ADIELSSON Eri. NURMOS Timo 0a 0a 2a 2a 4a 3a
8 LANDMARK RIVER 1640 H3 HAUGSTAD Ken. HAUGSTAD Kenneth 0a 0a 1a 7a 4a 1a
9 POWER TOOMA 1640 H3 NORMAN Pet. G. LARSSON Henrik 0a Da 0a Da 6a 5a
10 HUSTLE RAIN 1640 M3 DJUSE Mat. DJUSE Mattias 3a 2a Da 0a 5a 2a
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