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1 - PRIX Tvaaringslopp

18h25 - 12 Runners - 5464 euros - 2140m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 EROS HORNLINE 2140 H2 HENRIKSSON Jan ARMAN Jeanet 5a 0a 0a 6a 0a (23)
2 MALARESVEN 2140 H2 UNTERSTEINER Pet. BRATELL Lars (21) 8m 4m 7m 4m 2m
3 VASTERBO PASCAL 2140 H2 JUEL Jep. JUEL Jeppe 6a 7a 5a 5a 5a 7a
4 BARON GIFT 2140 H2 EKLUNDH And. ELFSTRAND Olle 7a 5a 3a 1a 1a 8m
5 ROCKET FACE 2140 M2 KOLGJINI Adr. KOLGJINI Lutfi Da 3a 5a 3a 2a 4a
6 LAJOS FAWOR 2140 H2 JEPSON Car. J. AXEN Jorgen 0a 0a Da 6a 6a
7 MCSPIRIT 2140 H2 ERIKSSON Chr. MALMQVIST Tomas 5a Da 1a (19) 7a 8a
8 JOIE AU COEUR H.C. 2160 F2 SODERKVIST Ste. DENBERGER Catharina 8a 0a 3a 8a 7a 1a
9 O.M.DONT CRY 2160 F2 MAHONY Paw MAHONY Paw 0a 0a 7a (19) 0a 5a
10 VIKENS GOZO 2160 H2 INGVES Pet. FELLBRANDT Mikael 0a (22) 0a 0a 0m 0a
11 BREAKING POINT 2160 F2 ANDERSEN Pau. CHRISTENSEN Tina (21) 2a 0a 4a 0a 0a
12 PASTORE BOB 2160 H2 DALBORG Tho. PETTERSSON Stefan P 0a 6a 4a 0a 4a 4a
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