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6 - PRIX Greencoat

20h14 - 12 Runners - 10286 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 WALKING THE WIRE 2140 H3 BERG Fre. ABELSON ASK Marika Da 5a 7a 1a (23) 0a
2 MELLBY JEWEL 2140 F3 PERSSON Ste. GOOP Bjorn Da Da (22) 1a 1a 7a
3 LIVORNO BOKO 2140 H3 ANDERSSON And. SVERRE Anton (22) 6a 3a 0a 6a 6a
4 SKYWALKER 2140 H3 IVARSSON Morg. IVARSSON Morgan Da 0a 3a 4a 0a 0a
5 KENWOOD 2140 H3 NILSSON Per OLTORP Bengt 2a 2a 5a 0a 6a Da
6 QULING FUTURA 2140 H3 ANDERSSON Mik. GUSTAFSSON Mikael 8a 8a 5a 7a 0a (23)
7 PHOGI 2140 H3 JAKOBSSON Mag. IVARSSON Morgan Da (23) 0a 7a 6a 7a
8 ZELMA LADAY 2140 F3 OSTRE Ole J. EKSTROM Mikael 6a 8a 2a 6a 5a 6a
9 OMEGA LAMA 2140 H3 EKLUNDH And. EKLUNDH Andre 0a (23) 0a 0a 4a 2a
10 ISABELLINE AM 2140 F3 KONTIO Jor. KARLSSON Hakan 0a 4a Da 8a 0a 8a
11 HOBART 2140 H3 JEPSON Car. J. PERSSON David 6a 7a 1a 1a 4a Da
12 DON'T ASK ME 2140 F3 LUNDBERG Pet. ROCKLINGER Bjorn 0a 6a 0a 0a 5a 1a
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