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6 - PRIX Stolopp

14h07 - 12 Runners - 6679 euros - 2140m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 FOX CREEK WINE 2140 F4 WIDELL Kaj LINDGREN Marcus 8a Da 0a 2a 5a
2 COSMIC CREATION 2140 F3 EKLUNDH And. PERSSON Hakan K 5m Dm 4m 3m Qm
3 SOMMARSLANDAN 2140 F4 JEPSON Car. J. GOOP Bjorn 0a Da Da (22) 4a 3a
4 ELLIE A.F. 2140 F4 BERG Fre. FORSSELL Anna 0a (22) 6a 6a 0a 7a
5 MERYL STREEP BOKO 2140 F3 ANDERSSON Mik. HEDBERG Par 0a Da Da 0a 5a 4a
6 ZIROSHI 2140 F3 SVANSTEDT And. SVANSTEDT Anders 0a 6a Da 4a 6a 5a
7 HONKY TONKY TOUR 2140 F4 GOOP Bjo. GOOP Bjorn 2a 1a 4a 0a 6a Da
8 LEXI BOKO 2140 F4 MODIG Tob. MODIG Tobias 8a 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a
9 PEPPER MINT 2140 F4 ERIKSSON Kim. JONASSON Camilla 3a 6a 3a 5a 6a 4a
10 RAPID DESCENT 2140 F6 STENQUIST Nic. ZETTERLUND Annete 7a 0a 5a 4a 0a (22)
11 AUTUMN VIBES 2140 F3 SVART MME Jan. SVART Janne 4a 4a 6a 4a 7a 0a
12 BYS BELLA DONNA 2140 F3 DALBORG Tho. DALBORG Thomas 0a 6a (22) 5a 4a 0a
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